Friday 27 December 2013

The Strong Muslim

In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, may His Salaah and Salaam Be upon His Messenger Muhammad, to proceed:

On the authority of Aboo Hurayrah (radhiyallaahu `anhu), the Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said:

" The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, while there is good in both. Guard over that which benefits you, seek Allah's assistance, wa laa t`ajiz (don`t lend yourself to things devoid of benefit, and this could carry many meanings), and if something befalls you, then don`t say `If only I would have done such and such,` rather say,, `Qaddarallaahu wa ma shaa` fa`al` (Allah ordained (this) and He does what He wills), for verily the phrase `If I would have` makes way for the work of Shaytaan."

The takhreej of the Hadeeth (where it can be found):

As-Syootee gathered it in Al-Jaami`us-Sagheer, and Al-Albaanee numbered it #6650 and called it `hasan`. He traced it to Saheeh Muslim, Ibn Maajah, and Ahmad. He brought it in his summarized Muslim #1840 but doesn't mention why it is hasan, but he mentions in his takhreej of As-Sunnah of Ibn Abee `Aasim that As-Suyootee found a problem with Rabee`ah bin `Uthmaan (one of the narrators).

What are the characteristics of the "strong believer"?

Imaam An-Nawawee (may Allah have mercy on him): "The intended meaning of strength here is a firm will and a desire to work for the Hereafter. So the one being described as a strong believer is more bold and stern against the enemy in Jihad, quicker to go out (to fight) and searching for it (Jihaad), more firm in the way he enjoins the good and forbids the evil, (more firm) in his patience with the harm he faces throughout all of that, and stronger in the way he carries out difficult tasks for Allah's Sake. He loves to pray, to fast, make thikr, and perform the rest of the acts of worship, and he is more active in seeking after these affairs, and he keeps a closer watch over his performance of them." [Sharh Muslim v.9, p.341, Daar Al-Ma`rifah printing].

Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih Al-`Uthaymeen (may Allah have merci on him): The strong believer is regarding his emaan (Faith), as the intended meaning is not physical strength. This is because physical strength is harmful to a person who uses it to disobey Allah. So physical strength is neither praiseworthy nor blameworthy in itself. If he uses this strength for what benefits him in this life and the Next, then it is praiseworthy. But if he uses it to disobey Allah, it becomes blameworthy.

So the meaning of strength in his statement (sallallaahu `alayhe wa sallam), `The strong believer...` is strength in eemaan, since the word `strong` refers to the word `believer`, someone who has eemaan.
Similarly, one who would say `a strong man` if he was referring to his manhood and masculinity. Along the same line, the strong believer is strong in his eemaan, because the strong believer has the strength to carry out what Allah ordered him to do, and to increase upon that by doing extra good deeds however Allah likes. As for the weak believer, his eemaan is weak, and that hinders him from performing his duties and avoiding what is prohibited, so he is always falling short." [Sharh Riyaadhis-Saaliheen, v.3, p.91-2]

Shaykh Saleem Al-Hilaalee (may Allaah preserve him):

"Strong (as found in this Hadith refers to) strength in his Deen, body, soul, and intellect, that which helps him carry out (the deeds in) his Deen, call to it, and defend it." [Bahjatun-Naathireen v.1, p. 182]

"Verily (the believer's) strength and weakness is found in how much he pushes himself, keeps himself firm on obedience, and how much he works to benefit the people and to keep evil away from them." [Bahjatun-Nathireen v.1, p.183]

To summarize :

If one looks at the text of the Hadith itself, he will find something very interesting. Notice that the Prophet (pbuh) started by saying, "The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, while there is good in both..." and then it may seem like the subject of the Hadith shifts to something else. Rather, this Hadith is an encouragement to be a strong believer from the beginning to the end! Yes, after informing us about the superiority of the strong believer, the Prophet (pbuh) detailed some ways to become a strong believer, giving us four pieces of advice, all of them related to emaan:

1. Guard over what benefits you.
2. Seek Allah's assistance.
3. Don't lend yourself to things devoid of benefit.
4. Say "Qaddarllaahu wa ma shaa` fa`al" through calamities.

Quranic Prophecies About the Future!

These are numerous but we will see the following examples.
1 - The prophecy about the victory of the Romans:
The Almighty Allah, subhanahu wa ta`ala, says:
"The Romans have been defeated. In the nearest land [Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Palestine], and they, after their defeat, will be victorious. Within three to nine years. The decision of the matter, before and after [these events] is only Allah's [before the defeat of the Romans by the Persians, and after the defeat of the Persians by the Romans]..." [Qur'an, 30:2-4]
Seven years later this prophecy became true, and the Romans defeated the Persians.
2 - Prophecy that both al Waleed ibn al Mugheerah and Abu Lahab would die as disbelievers
The Almighty Allah, subhanahu wa ta`ala, says about al Waleed:
"Leave Me alone [to deal] with whom I created lonely [without any wealth or children, i.e. Al Walid ibn Al Mughirah al Makhzumi]. And then granted him resources in abundance. And children to be by his side. And made life smooth and comfortable for him. After all that he desires that I should give more; Nay! Verily, he has been opposing Our Ayat [proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations]. I shall oblige him to [climb a slippery mountain in the Hell-fire called As-Sa`ud, or] face a severe torment! Verily, he thought and plotted. So let him be cursed: how he plotted! And once more let him be cursed: how he plotted! Then he thought. Then he frowned and he looked in a bad tempered way; then he turned back, and was proud. Then he said: "This is nothing but magic from that of old. This is nothing but the word of a human being!" I will cast him into Hell-fire. And what will make you know [exactly] what Hell-fire is? It spares not [any sinner], nor does it leave [anything unburned]!" [Qur'an 74:11-18]
And about Abu Lahab, He, subhanahu wa ta`ala, says:
"Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab [an uncle of the Prophet] and perish he! His wealth and his children will not benefit him! He will be burnt in a Fire of blazing flames!" [Qur'an, 111:1-3]
3 - His prophecy of coming back to Makkah which he left for Madinah. The Almighty Allah, `azza wa jall, says:
"Verily, He Who has given you [O Muhammad] the Qur'an [i.e. ordered you to act on its laws and to preach it to others] will surely bring you back to Ma`ad [place of return, either to Makkah or to Paradise after your death]..." [Qur'an 28:85]
And the Prophet, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam returned to Makkah in the year of the conquest.
4 - The prophecy telling that the Prophet, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam, and the Muslims would enter Makkah in security:
"...Certainly, you shall enter Al Masjid al Haram, if Allah wills, secure, [some] having your heads shaved, and [some] having your head hair cut short, having no fear..." [Qur'an, 48:27]
This prophecy became true and the Muslims conquered Makkah and entered al Masjid al Haram in complete security.
5 - The Prophecy about granting the Muslims succession and authority.
The Almighty Allah says:
"Allah has promised those among you who believe and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession to [the present rulers] in the land, as He granted it to those before them, and that He will grant them the authority to practice their religion which He has chosen for them [i.e. Islam]. And He will surely give them in exchange a safe security after their fear [provided] they [believers] worship Me and do not associate anything [in worship] with Me." [Qur'an, 24:55]
The Almighty Allah, subhanahu wa ta`ala, has fulfilled His promise to the Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam and his nation. He made them successors of great kings and powerful rulers, whose lands and properties were inherited by the Muslims.

Quranic Way of Life!

Quranic Way of Life!

Some of the lessons learnt from Quran that apply to our general living!

1. Respect and honour all human beings irrespective of their religion, colour, race, sex, language, status, property, birth, profession/job and so on.

2. Talk straight, to the point, without any ambiguity or deception

3. Choose best words to speak and say them in the best possible way
4. Do not shout. Speak politely keeping your voice low.

5. Always speak the truth. Shun words that are deceitful and ostentatious

6. Do not confound truth with falsehood

7. Say with your mouth what is in your heart

8. Speak in a civilized manner in a language that is recognized by the society and is commonly used

9. When you voice an opinion, be just, even if it is against a relative

10. Do not be a bragging boaster
11. Do not talk, listen or do anything vain

12. Do not participate in any paltry. If you pass near a futile play, then pass by with dignity

13. Do not verge upon any immodesty or lewdness whether surreptitious or overt.

14. If, unintentionally, any misconduct occurs by you, then correct yourself expeditiously.

15. Do not be contemptuous or arrogant with people

16. Do not walk haughtily or with conceit

17. Be moderate in thy pace

18. Walk with humility and sedateness

19. Keep your gazes lowered devoid of any lecherous leers and salacious stares

20. If you do not have complete knowledge about anything, better keep your mouth shut. You might think that speaking about something without full knowledge is trivial matter. But it might have grave

21. When you hear something malicious about someone, keep a favorable view about him/her until you attain full knowledge about the matter. Consider others innocent until they are proven guilty with solid and
truthful evidence

22. Ascertain truth of any news, lest you smite someone in ignorance & afterwards repent of what you did

23. Do not follow blindly any information of which you have no direct knowledge. (Using your faculties of perception and conception) you must verify it for yourself. In the Court of your Lord, you will be held accountable for your hearing, sight, and the faculty of reasoning

24. Never think that you have reached the final stage of knowledge and nobody knows more than yourself. Remember! Above everyone endowed with knowledge is another endowed with more knowledge [12/76]. Even the Prophet [p.b.u.h] was asked to keep praying, "O My sustainer! Advance me in knowledge."

25. Believers are but a single brotherhood. Live like members of one family, brother, sister unto one another

Scientist Comments On The Quran

Keith L. Moore
"For the past three years, I have worked with the Embryology Committee of King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, helping them to interpret the many statements in the Quran and Sunnah referring to human reproduction and prenatal development. At first I was astonished by the accuracy of the statements that were recorded in the 7th century AD, before the science of embryology was established. Although I was aware of the glorious history of Muslim scientists in the 10th century AD, and some of their contributions to Medicine, I knew nothing about the religious facts and beliefs contained in the Quran and Sunnah."
At a conference in Cairo he presented a research paper and stated:

"It has been a great pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Quran about human development. It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God, or Allah, because most of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later. This proves to me that Muhammad must have been a messenger of God, or Allah."
E. Marshall Johnson
" summary, the Quran describes not only the development of external form, but emphasizes also the internal stages, the stages inside the embryo, of its creation and development, emphasizing major events recognized by contemporary science."

"As a scientist, I can only deal with things which I can specifically see. I can understand embryology and developmental biology. I can understand the words that are translated to me from the Quran. As I gave the example before, if I were to transpose myself into that era, knowing what I do today and describing things, I could not describe the things that were described...

I see no evidence to refute the concept that this individual Muhammad had to be developing this information from some place... so I see nothing here in conflict with the concept that divine intervention was involved in what he was able to write..."
T.V.N. Persaud
"It seems to me that Muhammad was a very ordinary man, he couldn't read, didn't know how to write, in fact he was an illiterate...

We're talking about 1400 years ago, you have some illiterate person making profound statements that are amazingly accurate, of a scientific nature...

I personally can't see how this could be mere chance, there are too many accuracies and like Dr. Moore, I have no difficulty in my mind reconciling that this is a divine inspiration or revelation which lead him to these statements."
Joe Leigh Simpson
"... these Hadiths (sayings of Muhammad) could not have been obtained on the basis of the scientific knowledge that was available at the time of the 'writer'... It follows that not only is there no conflict between genetics and religion (Islam) but in fact religion (Islam) may guide science by adding revelation to some of the traditional scientific approaches... There exist statements in the Quran shown centuries later to be valid which support knowledge in the Quran having been derived from God."
Gerald C. Goeringer
"...In a relatively few ayahs (Quranic verses) is contained a rather comprehensive description of human development from the time of commingling of the gametes through organogenesis. No such distinct and complete record of human development such as classification, terminology, and description existed previously. In most, if not all instances, this description antedates by many centuries the recording of the various stages of human embryonic and fetal development recorded in the traditional scientific literature."
Yushidi Kusan
"I say, I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in Quran, and for us modern astronomers have been studying very small piece of the universe. We have concentrated our efforts for understanding of very small part. Because by using telescopes, we can see only very few parts of the sky without thinking about the whole universe. So by reading Quran and by answering to the questions, I think I can find my future way for investigation of the universe."
Professor Armstrong
"That is a difficult question which I have been thinking about since our discussion here. I am impressed at how remarkably some of the ancient writings seem to correspond to modern and recent Astronomy. I am not a sufficient scholar of human history to project myself completely and reliably into the circumstances that 1400 years ago would have prevailed.

Certainly, I would like to leave it at that, that what we have seen is remarkable, it may or may not admit of scientific explanation, there may well have to be something beyond what we understand as ordinary human experience to account for the writings that we have seen."
Durja Rao
"It is difficult to imagine that this type of knowledge was existing at that time, around 1400 years back. May be some of the things they have simple idea about, but to describe those things in great detail is very difficult. So this is definitely not simple human knowledge. A normal human being cannot explain this phenomenon in that much detail. So, I thought the information must have come from a supernatural source."


Hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca is one of the five pillars of Islam. Hajj was made obligatory in the 9th year of Hijra. The Holy Prophet sent off 300 Muslims under the leadership of Hazrat Abubakr Siddique (may Allah be pleased with him) to Mecca so that they could perform Hajj. That was the year when it was banned for the Mushrikeen (those who associate partners with Allah) to enter Ka?ba. It was also made unlawful to perform Tawaaf (circling of Ka?ba) with naked body.

The following year, 10th Hijra, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) announced a head of time he himself would perform Hajj that year. He led tens of thousands of Muslims to Hajj that year and demonstrated to Muslims how to perform all the rites and rituals of the Hajj. This Hajj is known in history as Hajjatul Wida? or Farewell Pilgrimage because this proved to be the last Hajj the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) performed. At the end of this farewell pilgrimage, the divine revelation that had started some 22 years ago came to an end with the following verse of Surah Al-Maidah:
On Whom is the performance of Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca) incumbent?
The performance of Hajj is incumbent on all Muslims, at least once in a life-time, if circumstances permit, i.e., if they are in a position both physically and materially to undertake the journey to Mecca, and make sufficient provision for their dependents during the period of their absence
How do you define Hajj ?
The Pilgrimage to Mecca in the state of Ihram to be adopted at the Miqat strictly carrying out all that it imposes, observing wuqoof at 'Arafat, performing the tawaf at Ka'ba, etc., in accordance with the prescribed laws is called Hajj

What is 'Umra?
The visit to Mecca at any time of the year in the state of Ihram to be adopted at Miqat, performing the tawaf round Ka'ba in Mecca and accomplishing sa'ee in accordance witht he prescribed laws is called 'Umra.

What do you mean by Ihram ?
The removal of sewn clothes from the body and wrapping it up in a couple of seamless sheets at the Miqat with the intention of performing Hajj or 'Umra, and abstaining from all things that are unlawful for those intending to perform Hajj or 'Umra signifies Ihram

What do you understand by Tawaf ?
The performance of seven circuits round the Ka'ba (in Mecca) commencing from the Black Stone and having the Ka'ba on one's left is called Tawaf.

What does the term Sa'ee signify ?
Sa'ee signifies the act of marching to and from between the two hills of Safa and Marwa (near Ka'ba) in accordance with the prescribed laws.

What is Wuqoof ?
The stay at 'Arafat, at least for a few minutes, during the time between the declining of the sun from the meridian on the 9th of Zilhijja (the 12th lunar month) and before the dawn of the 10th of Zilhijja is called Wuqoof

What territory does Haram constitute ?
The City of Mecca, in which the Ka'ba is situated along with certain defined outlying territory on all its sides, is called Haram

What are Miqats?
The boundary lines which the pilgrims or those who want to perform 'Umra should not cross without adopting the Ihram are called Miqats.

How many Miqats are there? What are their names and for whom they indicate boundary line of Haram ?
There are five Miqats in all :-
  1. Zul-Hulaifa or Bi'r Ali, which indicates the border line of Haram for those coming from the side of Medina
  2. Zat-al-Iraq serves as Miqat for those coming from the side of Iraq or Mesopotamia
  3. Jahfa or Rabigh is the Miqat for those from Syria
  4. Quran for those from the side of Najd
  5. Yalamlam for those from the direction of Yemen, Pakistan, India, etc.

How should a male pilgrim adopt the Ihram ?
When a male pilgrim is about to cross a Miqat, he should perform Ghusl, divest himself of sewn clothes, and wrap up the lower portion of his body in a seamless sheet and cover up the upper part with another one, keeping the head and face bare. The footgear must be such as to keep the central bones of the outer parts of his feet open. He must then offer two Rak'ats of Nafl, and lastly, he must form in his mind the Niyyat and give utterance of his intention as to the purpose of his adopting the Ihram

What is the form of Niyyat for Hajj ?
The form of Niyyat for the Hajj is:-
Allahumma inni uridulhajja fayyassirhu liwa taqabbalhu minni, nawaitul-hajja wa ahramtu bihi mukhlisan lillahi ta'ala
i.e., 'O Allah! I intend to perform the Hajj. Make Thou the same easy for me and accept it from me. I have conceived the Niyyat for Hajj and I have adopted the Iharam sincerely for Allah, the Sublime

What is the form of Niyyat for 'Umra ?
If one wants to perform only 'Umra he or she should say,
Allahumma inni uridul 'Umrata fayasshirha li wa taqabbalaha minni, navaitul-'Umrata wa ahramtu biha mukhlisan lillahi ta'ala
i.e., 'O Allah! I intend to perform 'Umra. Make Thou the same easy for me and accept it from me. I have conceived the intention for 'Umra and have adopted the Ihram for it, sincerely for the sake of Allah, the Sublime.'

What is the Niyyat for performing Hajj and 'Umra together ?
It is :-
Allahumma inni uridulhajja wal 'Umrata fayassirhuma li wa taqabbalhumma minni, nawaitul Hajja wa 'Umrata wa ahramtu bihima mukhlisan lillahi ta'ala.
i.e., 'O Allah! I intend to perform both Hajj and 'Umra, Make Thou the same esay and accept them from me. I have conceived the intention for both Hajj and 'Umra and have adopted the Ihram to perform both Hajj and 'Umra only for the sake of Allah, the Sublime.

What should one do after one has given utterance to one of the appropriate Niyyats?
After one ahs given utterance to one of the Niyyats, one should say aloud (these words should be perfectly committed to memory as one will have to recite them again and again, sitting , standing, mounting and dismounting):
Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik; labbaika la sharika laka labbaik; innal-hamda wan ni'-mata laka wal mulka la sharika lak.
i.e., 'Here I am at Thy service. O Allah! Here I am at Thy service; Here I am at Thy service; There is no partner unto Thee; Here I am at Thy service; To Thee the glory, the riches and sovereignty of the world. There is no partner to Thee'.

What things become unlawful for those adopting the Ihram ?
The things that become unlawful for those adopting the Ihram and remain as such till the object for which the Ihram has been adopted is accomplished are:
  1. Hunting or aiding and abetting it.
  2. Sexual intercourse or its preliminaries.
  3. Cropping or shaving of hair or paring of nails.
  4. Covering of head or face in any way whatsoever
  5. Use of gloves or socks
  6. Wearing of any kinds of sewn clothes or underwear
  7. Using any perfume or perfumed preparation.
  8. Deliberated smelling of perfume or applying it to any part of the body or the sheets covering it, or even keeping it in any manner on one's person. (If any aroma of perfumes applied before the conception of Niyyat remains, it does not matter, for its is permissible).
  9. Killing or even dislodging and throwing away lice if they happen to find their way on one's person or the sheets covering it.

What is the difference between the adoption of Ihram by men and women?
The points of difference between the adoption of Ihram by men and women are:
  1. That a woman can wear sewn clothes.
  2. She can cover her head (as a matter of fact she should cover her head in the presence of all men excepting her husband, as also whilst offering prayers).
  3. she should not put on a veil in such a manner that the fabric may touch her face
  4. She can put on socks or gloves.
  5. All the other things which are unlawful for a man are Laos unlawful for her.
Note:- A woman should not utter "labbaik", etc., aloud but should say the same in a subdued voice.

How is the Tawaf performed ?
The points to be observed in the performance of Tawaf are:
  1. The performer of Tawaf should stand towards that corner of the Ka'ba where the black stone is embedded in its wall in such a manner as to have it on one's and then give utterance to the Niyyat or performing it in the words:
    Allahumma inni uridu tawafa baitikalmuhar-rami fayassirhu li wa taqabbalhu minni.
    i.e., 'O Allah! I intend to perform the tawaf of Thy consecrated premises. Make Thou the same easy for me and accept it from me'
  2. Then facing the Black Stone and raising the hands with palm onwards, one should say:
    Bismillahi walhamdu lillahi wallahu Akbar wassalatu was-salamu 'ala Rasoolillah.
    i.e., "I begin in the name of Allah, and all Praise is due to Allah and Allah is Most Great, and peace and blessings be on Allah's Apostle."
  3. If possible one should approach the Black stone and give it a kiss, but if it be not feasible, then one should give it a flying kiss, and recite the Du'a:-
    (a) Allahummaghfirli zunoobi wa tahhir li qalbi wa ashrah li sadri wa yassir li amri wa 'afini fi man 'afait.
    i.e., 'O Allah! forgive me my sins and purify my heard and expand my chest (i.e., give me spiritual illuminaiton) and make my task easy and preserve me among those Thou has preserved.'
    (b) Then one should proceed towards the Gate of Ka'ba saying:-
    Allahumma imanam bika wa tasdiqan bikitabika wa wafa'an bi-'ahdik wattiba'an li sunnati nabiyyika Muhammadun, sallallahu ta'ala 'alaihi wa sallama, wa ashhadu an la ilaha ill-Allahu wahda-hu la sharika lahu wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa rasooluhu, amantu billahi wa kafartu bil-jibti wattaghoot.
    i.e., 'Oh Allah! (I am performing this) with complete Faith in Thee and Belief in the Truth of Thy Book and in the fulfilmient of my pledge to Thee, and in the wake of the sunnat of Thy Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. I bear witness to the fact that there in no God but Allah and that Muhammad is His Prophet. I have faith in Allah and do not believe in evil spirits and ghosts.
    Note:- the act of kissing the Black stone and reciting du'a is called Istilam.
  4. Then, having the Ka'ba on one's left, one should take a complete round of it, remembering Allah all the while or reciting Du'a (a and b of 3) in the same way as before. This completes one circuit.
    Note:- One may kiss, if possible the South-West corner of Ka'ba which is called Rukn-i Yamani.
  5. One should perform seven rounds in the manner described.
  6. After the completion of seven rounds one should stand near the gate of Ka'ba and pray for Allah's blessings.
  7. Lastly, one should offer two Rak'ats of Sunnatut-tawaf, preferably near Maqam-i-Ibrahim, a spot just near Ka'ba.

What acts are culpable during the performance of tawaf ?
The acts that are culpable during the performance of tawaf are:
  1. Being without ablution.
  2. Uncovering of more than a quarter part of any limb of the body which must be kept covered
  3. Performing of the tawaf either by supporting oneself on someone's shoulder or mounted, without any cogent reason
  4. Performing the tawaf in a sitting posture without any cogent reason
  5. Performing the tawaf with the Ka'ba on one's right
  6. Performing the tawaf round The Ka'ba exclusive of Hatim (Hatim is the name for the portion of land in the North of Ka'ba which was left out when the Ka'ba was rebuilt
  7. Performing a lesser number of circuits than seven
What acts are not permissible during the performance of Tawaf?
Such acts are:
  1. Discussion of mundane matters
  2. The performance of Tawaf in an impure garb
  3. The disregard of Ramal which signifies marching briskly, moving the shoulders with chest out, like the gait of a soldier, in the first three circuits of the Tawaf of 'Umra.
  4. The disregard of Iztiba'a, which denotes the act of removing the sheet from the right shoulder and passing it under the right armpit to place it on the left shoulder, thus keeping bare the right arm in the Tawaf of 'Umra.
  5. Omission of Istilam.
  6. Pauses between the circuits of Tawaf (Of course if the Wudu is made void or a congregation of an Obligatory Prayer is ready, one may discontinue the circuits to perform the Wudu or to join the congregation and complete them later on).
  7. The failure to offer two Rak'ats of Nafl after the completion of each Tawaf, i.e., seven circuits of the Ka'ba (if the time be, however, one when it is not permissible to offer the prayers, one is allowed to defer the same till the completion of the second Tawaf).

How should the Sa'ee be performed ?
In order to perform the Sa'ee one should betake himself to Safa and after arriving there recite :-
  1. Abda'u bima bada' Allahu bihi, innas-Safa wal Marwata min sha-'a-'irillahi, faman hajj-al-baita awi'tamara fala junaha'alaihi anyyat-tawwafa bihima wa man tatawwa'a khairan fa inn-Allah Shakirun 'Aleem
    i.e., 'I commence with that with which Allah commenced. Surely Safa and Marwa are prominent symbols of Allah. Hence there is no blame on one who performs the Hajj of the House (of God) or 'Umra if he (or she) marches to and from between them (Safa and Marwa), and one who does good of one's won accord, verily Allah is Responsive, Aware'.
  2. Then, raising the hands to the shoulders, one must say:
    (a) Allahu Akbar (thrice), and
    (b) La ilaha illallahu wallahu Akbar wa lillahilhamd.
  3. Then one should give utterance to his or her Niyyat in the words:-
    Allahumma inni uridus-Sa'ya bainas-Safa wal Marwati fayassirhu li wa taqabbalhu minni.
    i.e., 'O Allah! I intend to perform the Sa'ee between Safa and Marwa; make Thou the same easy form me and accept it from me.'
  4. Then one should march towards Marwa, reciting Du'as all the way.
  5. When one reaches a green spot one should march quickly till one reaches another green spot, and in between those spots one should recite the following Du'a:-
    Rabbighfir warham wa tajawaz 'mma ta'lam wa ta'lamu ma la na'-lam innaka antal-A'az-zul-akram; Allahum-maj'alhu hajjammab-rooran, wa sa'yam-mashkooran, wa zam bammaghfoora.
    i.e., 'O Allah! Forgive me and have mercy upon me and pass off (my sins) of which Thou are aware, and Thou knowest that of which we have no knowledge; verily thou art the Most Honorable, and Most Exalted. O Allah! make it (for me) a Hajj that is acceptable (to Thee) and an effort that is granted and (a means of) forgiveness of sin
  6. Arriving at Marwa one should face Ka'ba and pray for blessings (this complete one turn).
  7. Then one must go back to Safa in the same manner, marching quickly between the two green spots, reciting Du'as, etc., and when Safa is reached one must again face the Ka'ba and pray for blessing (this will complete the second turn).
  8. One must take seven such turns, and at the accomplishment of the seventh, when one arrives at Marwa and offers up the prayer one is said to have accomplished the Sa'ee.

Can you describe the performance of Hajj?
Yes, in order to perform Hajj:-
  1. As soon as a pilgrim approaches the boundary line of the Holy Land, i.e., the Miqat, he or she enters the state of Ihram with all its accomplishments.
  2. On reaching Mecca the pilgrim goes to the Grand Mosque round the Ka'ba and then performs and optional tawaf, called Tawaf-ul-Qudoom.
  3. On the 8th day of Zilhijja the pilgrim goes to Mina, before the time of Salatuz-Zuhr, a town three miles from Mecca, and spends there the rest of the day and the whole night of the 9th of Zilhijja
  4. After the early morning prayer of the 9th Zilhijja, the pilgrim proceeds to Arafat, a place about seven miles from Mecca, and stops anywhere in the Mauqafs (staying places) in the area surrounding the Jabal-i-Rahmat, (i.e., the Hill of Mercy) in the remembrance of Allah.
  5. Just after the sunset of the 9th of Zilhijja the pilgrim leaves the Mauqaf without offering Salatul-Maghrib, and proceeds to Muzdalifa, a place between Mina and Arafat, where he or she offers Maghrib and Isha Prayers.
  6. The pilgrim then proceeds from Muzadalifa after the early morning prayers of the 10th of Zilhijja (picking atleast 49 pebbles from there) and comes to Mina.
  7. The pilgrim then takes up seven pebbles, and holding each between the index finger and the thumb of the right hand, throws them one by one at the pillar called Jamra-tul-Uqubah on the same day, i.e., the 10th Zilhijja
  8. The pilgrim then, if he or she can afford, makes a sacrifice of a goat or a sheep or joins six others in the sacrifice of a camel or a bull, and shaves off preferably the whole head or at least a quarter head, or crop the hair equally all over the head, if the pilgrim be male, and in the case of a female pilgrim, she should cut off at least an inch of her hair.
  9. The pilgrim then leaves off the state of Ihram and proceeds to Mecca on the same day and performs the Tawaf, called Tawaf-ul-Ifada, after which the pilgrim offers two Rak'ats of Sunnat prayers.
  10. The pilgrim then accomplishes the Sa'ee.
  11. The pilgrim then returns to Mina and spends there the night of the 11th of Zilhijja
  12. After the midday of the 11th and the 12th of Ziljijja the pilgrim approaches in the order mentioned, the pillars called Jamra-tul-Oola, Jamratul-Wusta and Jamratul-Uqubah, and throws seven pebbles against each of them, reciting at each throw: "Bismillahi Allahu Akbar". If a pilgrim stays on the 13th of Zilhijja as well, he or she throws seven pebbles at the pillars as on the two previous days.
  13. The pilgrim then returns to Mecca after the Salatuz-Zuhr on the 12th of Zilhijja. Before leaving Mecca for one's own country, the pilgrim, performs a departing tawaf, called Tawaf-ul-Wida'.
  1. During one's stay at Mecca one may perform as may tawafs as one can, for the performance of tawafs is the best form of worship during that period.
  2. One can also perform 'Umra as may times as one likes by going out of Mecca to Tan'eem (a place about three miles form Mecca) and adopting the Ihram there, return to Mecca and perform the tawaf and sa'ee as is usual for 'Umra.

How does one perform 'Umra?
In order to perform 'Umra one should in the first instance:
  1. Adopt the Ihram at the Miqat in accordance with the prescribed laws.
  2. After preceding to Mecca one should betake himself or herself to Ka'ba and affecting the Iztaiba'a, one should form and given utterance to the Niyyat for Tawaf and commence the performance of the same.
  3. One should take care to perform the first three circuits in the style of Ramal
    Note:- A woman is, however, exempt both from Iztiba'a and Ramal.
  4. After the completion of the three circuits, the remaining four are performed in the normal manner and one should then offer Rak'ats of Sunna-tut-Tawaf.
  5. One should then preferably proceed to the well of Zamzam and drink a little water.
  6. From thence, betaking oneself to Safa, one should accomplish the Sa'ee according to the prescribed laws.
Note:- The performance of 'Umra is completed after the accomplishment of the Sa'ee. Now if one wants to perform the Hajj in the very Ihram, one may maintain the same; but if one does not want to do so, one should shave off at least a quarter or preferably the whole heard or crop the hair all over the head. The pilgrim is then free from all the impositions and restrictions that the state of Ihram imposes.

Can Hajj and 'Umra be performed in the same state of Ihram?
Yes, Hajj and 'Umra can be performed in the same state of Ihram, in which case the pilgrim should not leave off the state of Ihram after the performance of 'Umra till the completion of Hajj

What is Qiran?
When the Hajj and 'Umra is performed in the same state of Ihram, it is called Qiran

What is Tamattu?
When the 'Umra is performed in the month of Hajj and then Ihram is removed and re-donned on the 7th of Zilhijja at Mecca for the second time for Hajj, ita is called Tamattu'.
Note:- One who performs Qiran or Tamattu' is bound to sacrifice a goat or sheep or join six others in the sacrifice of a camel or a bull, or observe ten fasts, three before Hajj and seven after its performance.

What is Ifrad?
If one performs Hajj alone and not 'Umra, its is called Ifrad.
Note:- The sacrifice of an animal is not obligatory on one performing the Hajj alone, i.e., Ifrad.
If anyone of the essential observances in connection with Ihram, Tawaf or Sa'ee are transgressed, one is liable for penalties in the shape of either sacrificing a goat or a sheep, or distributing alms.

What should a pilgrim do after performing Hajj?
It is very commendable for a pilgrim to pay a visit to the Mausoleum of the Holy Prophet at Medina, and standing there in a reverential posture facing the tomb of the Great Prophet, to say:-
Assalamu 'alaika ayyuhan-Nabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa baraktahu, Assalamu 'alaika ya Rasoolallah! Assalamu 'alaika ya Nabi-Allah! Assalamu 'alaika ya Habib Allah Assalamu 'alaika ya khaira-khalqillah! Assalamu 'alaika ya Shafi-al-muznibeen! Assalmu 'alaika wa 'ala alika wa as-habik wa ummatik ajma'een
i.e., 'Peace be on you, O Prophet (of Allah)! and His mercy and His blessings. Peace be on you, O Apostle of Allah! Peace be on you O Prophet of Allah! Peace be upon you, O Beloved of Allah! Peace be on you, O Best in the (whole) Creation of Allah! Peace be on you, O Pleader for the sinners (before Allah!) Peace be on you and your descendents and your companions and all your followers

Miracle and Challenge of the Quran

"We shall show them Our signs on the horizons and within themselves until it will become clear to them that it is the Truth. Does it not suffice that your Lord is Witness over all things?" Qur'an:41:53.
Muslims are taught that throughout the ages, Allah Almighty has sent a prophet to every nation as a Warner and a bearer of glad tidings. Each Prophet was wisely selected by Allah in order to be the best person for the job. He was then provided by Allah with miracles as proof of his truthfulness and his message. These miracles were wisely selected by Allah in order to be in the same field as that which these people excelled in so that they could fully comprehend the magnitude of these miracles.
For instance, the people during the time of Moses excelled at magical trickery. Their rulers used to surround themselves with the most powerful of these wizards as a sign of power. This is why Allah made the miracles of Moses (as) similar to their magical trickery (changing a stick into a snake, parting of the sea... etc.) but of a much greater magnitude than anything they could ever hope to accomplish. For they were not tricks, but actual physical miracles.
The people at the time of the Prophet Jesus (as) excelled in matters of medicine. For this reason, his miracles were of a medical nature (raising of the dead, healing of the blind...etc.), but of a degree that they could never hope to imitate. Similarly, one of the major miracles of Islam was a new and unheard-of type of literature similar to the Bedouin's poetry but far beyond anything they could ever hope to match. Although they did indeed try. This new literature was called "The Quran."
The Arabic language, as can be attested to by any of it's scholars, is a very rich and powerful language. The Bedouin people of the Arabian desert were, in general, illiterate people of very little scientific knowledge. The thing that set them apart, however, was their mastery of poetry. Spending their days as they did in the desert watching their sheep graze got quite boring. They alleviated their boredom by continually composing and refining poetry. They would spend entire years composing and refining their poetry in anticipation of a yearly face-down of the poetic compositions of their peers from all over the country. The fact that they were illiterate forced them to also train themselves in the memorization of works of literature to such an extent that they were able to memorize complete works from a single recitation. Even in matters of leadership, one of the major criteria for selecting the leaders of the various Bedouin tribes was the individual's prowess in literary composition and memorization.
When Muhammad (saws) first became the prophet of Islam, he presented his people with a challenge: "compose a literary work on a par with this Quran that I have brought you and you will prove that I am a liar." They could not. The Quran continued to reduce it's challenge until the challenge finally became: "compose only a single verse comparable to this Quran and you will have won." They still could not. This in addition to the fairness, justice, and logic of the Quran eventually won them over and slowly more and more people became Muslims.
Many claims have been made against Muhammad (saws) in that day and this. Among them are the claims that he was a lunatic, a liar, or deceived by the devil. If Muhammad (saws) was a lunatic or a liar then we have to wonder how all of his prophesies came true?. Further, if he was a deceived by Satan then we are faced with another problem. For we know that all Muslims are taught that when reading the Qur'an to first begin with the words "I seek refuge in Allah from Satan the accursed one." and then follow this up with the words "In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful" So, we have to wonder if Satan would "inspire" a man to teach mankind to seek refuge in God from Satan? Indeed this is the exact same accusation which was made against Jesus (as). Let us read how Jesus responded to this claim:
"But some of them (the Jews) said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub (Satan) the chief of the devils. And others, tempting [him], sought of him a sign from heaven. But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house [divided] against a house falleth. If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub."  The Bible: Luke 11:15-18
It has been the case throughout the ages that with all previous Prophets, their miracle was separate from their book. Although we may claim that we have the "Torah" of Moses, still, it is not possible now to bring Moses' (as) staff and see it perform miracles as it did in his time. Similarly it is not possible today to see Jesus (as) raise the dead as he did so many centuries ago. However, since the message of Islam was the final message of God to mankind, therefore, the book of Islam itself was made the main miracle of Islam. It was also promised to renew it's challenge to mankind throughout the ages.
What does this mean? Nowadays, the number of people who can appreciate the literary content of the Quran has dwindled and this challenge no longer has the same impact it did fourteen hundred years ago. However, as we have seen in the verse quoted at the beginning of this chapter, Allah Almighty has promised to continually renew the challenge of the Quran throughout the ages. So how will it be renewed?
Recently, a new field of study has opened up to scholars. People nowadays are fascinated with science. This is the age of technology and scientific discovery. For this reason, mankind has begun to study the religious scriptures of humanity from a scientific point of view in order to challenge the scientific claims made in these scriptures. Many works have been published on this topic.
As mentioned previously, Muhammad (saws) lived among tribes of illiterate Bedouins. He himself was also illiterate. These people used to live extremely simple lives. Most of them were Nomads who traveled from place to place depending on where they could find grass for their sheep to graze. When Muhammad (saws) brought them the Quran, the believers found in the Quran the command to go out, seek knowledge, and to learn, learn, learn. A few centuries later, once the Islamic nation became firmly established, Muslims began to fulfill this command of the Quran and this resulted in one of the greatest explosions of scientific advancement mankind has ever seen. All of this was going on during a period that the West calls "The Dark Ages," wherein the scientists of the West were being persecuted and killed as sorcerers wizards and witches. During this period, Muslim scholars introduced into the world such things as:
* Mathematical evolution of spherical mirrors
* Rectilinear motion of light and use of lenses
* Refraction angle variations
* Magnifying effects of the plano convex lens
* Introduced the concept of elliptical shape of cosmological bodies
* Study of the Centre of Gravity as applied to balance
* Measurement of specific weights of bodies
* Rule of algebraic equations
* Solutions to quadratic and Cubic equations
* Work on square roots, squares, theory of numbers, solution of the fractional numbers
* Solutions of equations of cubic order
* Wrote on conic geometry elaborating the solution of algebraic equations
* Determined the Trinomial Equation
* Avicenna's "Canon of Medicine." He is know as the Prince of Physicians to the West
* Wrote the first description of several drugs and diseases as meningitis.
* Treatment of Physiological shocks
* Expertise in psychosomatic medicine and psychology
* Al Biruni mentions 56 ( fifty six ) manuscripts on pharmacology
* Credited for identifying Small Pox and its treatment
* Use of alcohol as an antiseptic
* Use of mercury as a purgative for the first time
* First to describe the circulation of blood.
* "Holy Abbas" was, after Rhazes, the most outstanding Physician. His works were authoritative till the works of ibn Sina appeared
* Writings on Cosmology, Astrology, Music, Science of numbers and letters
* Proved that the earth is smaller than the sun but larger than the moon.
* Final authorities on Chemistry for many Centuries
* Classified metals into three classifications
* Laid the basis of the Acid Base theory
* Distillation, calcinations, crystallization, the discovery of many acids
* Cultivation of Gold - is a continuation of Jabir's work
* Theory of Oscillatory motion of equinoxes
* Addition of ninth sphere to the eight Ptolemaic astronomy
* Discovered the increase of the suns apogee
* Gravitational force
* Responsible for the discovery motion of the solar apsides
* wrote ' On the Science of Stars '
* Determination of latitudes and longitudes
* Determination of geodetic measurements
* Described the motion of the planets
* Solved the problems of spherical trigonometry
* First to study the isometric oscillatory motion of a pendulum
* Invented the instrument ' Sahifah "
* Responsible for the proof of the motion of the apogee of the sun with respect to the fixed stars.
* authorities on the theory of the system of homocentric spheres
* Prepared a calendar that was more accurate than the Gregorian one in use today.
and much, much more.
All of this began with a single illiterate Bedouin Arab from the desert fourteen hundred years ago. The book that was brought into the world by such a man, cries out to be studied from a scientific aspect.


Prayer in Islam, is worship of Allah the Almighty, Praising and Thanking Him, acknowledging His Sovereignty and committing oneself to obey and remember Him at all times. It is the central part of a way of life, which is based on submission to the Owner of all.
The Muslim must seek to remember Allah at all times. He must be mindful that everything he is, everything he does, everything he knows and understands, is due to the Mercy of Allah. In acknowledging this, he remembers the fact that death lies in wait and he does not know when he will depart from this worldly life.

Essential requisites for offering Prayer

  1. The worshipper must be a Muslim
  2. The worshipper's clothes and body must be free from all impurities
  3. The place where the Prayer is to be offered should be pure and clean
  4. The part of the body between the navel and the knees of a male worshipper must be fully covered, and the whole body excepting the hands and face of a female worshipper.
  5. The worshipper must face the Kaba in the Great Mosque at Mecca and the direction of Ka'ba outside Mecca.
  6. The worshipper must form the Niyyat (i.e., intention) in his or her mind of the particular Prayer, Fard (Obligatory) or Sunnat or Nafl (Optional), he or she is about to offer.
  7. The worshipper must observe the times and rules prescribed for the respective Prayers.
  8. The worshipper must have performed the Wudu (i.e., ablution).
  9. The worshipper must have performed Ghusl (i.e., the washing of the whole body), if he or she was in a state of grave impurity.
Note: In order to keep the body clean from dirt and all minor impurities and to be even ready for prayer, a Muslim must wash the private parts of his or her body with water whenever any impure matter issues from the body.

What is Wudu?
Wudu is the act of washing those parts of the body which are generally exposed.
How do you perform the Wudu?
I perform the Wudu in the following manner:
  1. I make myself sure that the water with which I am going to perform Wudu is pure, clean and fresh (not used before) and its color, taste and smell are unchanged
  2. I form and have the full intention of performing the Wudu for offering prayer
  3. I recite "Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim" i.e., in the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
  4. I then wash my hands upto the wrists three times, passing the in between each other
  5. I cleanse my mouth with brush or finger, and gargle with water three times
  6. Then I rinse the nostrils thrice with water
  7. I wash the face from the forehead to the chin bone and from ear to ear three times
  8. I then wash the right hand arm followed by the left upto the elbows three times.
  9. I then brush up the whole head with wet hands, pass the wet tips of the index finger inside and the wet tips of the thumb outside the ears, and pass over the other surface of the hands over the nape and the sides of the neck.
  10. I then wash the feet upto the ankles, the right foot first and then the left, taking care to wash in between the toes, each three times.
The obligatory Acts in the performance of Wudu
  1. Washing the face
  2. Washing both the arms upto the elbows.
  3. Brushing over a quarter of the head with wet hands
  4. Washing both feet up to the ankles
  1. If the water to be used for Wudu be stagnant, one should make sure that the cistern measures ten yards by ten yards by one foot and is full of water
  2. If a person wears impermeable foot-gear after the performance of the Wudu, it is not necessary to remove it for a fresh Wudu. One may just pass over it wet fingers as if one were tracing lines on it. Travelers can take advantage of this concession for three days and three nights, others for one day and one night.

Ghusl (Bath)
Ghusl should be made in a place of total privacy and one should not face towards the Kiblah while making Ghusl. Ghusl may be performed standing or seated, preferably seated. Use sufficient water, don't skimp nor be wasteful. One should abstain from speaking while performing Ghusl. It is better not to read any Kalimah or Aayah while bathing. Be aware of these rules whilst making Ghusl.
Ghusl becomes obligatory after:
  1. Sexual intercourse
  2. Discharge or effusion of semen
  3. Completion of menses and confinement
The obligatory condition that must be fulfilled for a valid performance of an obligatory Ghusl are:
  1. To rinse the mouth thoroughly, so that all the parts are cleaned properly.
  2. To rinse the nose right upto the nasal bone
  3. To wash all parts of the body thoroughly, including the hair.
The best way of performing in obligatory Ghusl is:
  1. The person should have the intention (Niyyat) to cleanse the body from grave impurity at the time of performing the bath
  2. He or she should wash the hands upto the wrists thrice
  3. Then the private parts must be washed thoroughly thrice
  4. Filth must be removed, if there be any, from any of the parts of the body.
  5. One should then perform an ablution
  6. One should lastly wash thrice all the parts of the body, including the hair thoroughly.

When a person is sick or access cannot be had to water, one may perform what is called Tayammum in place of Wudu or Ghusl.
The essential requisites for the performance of a Tayammum are:
  1. To have the intention in mind to perform the Tayammum for the removal of impurities
  2. To strike pure earth lightly with the palms of both the hands
  3. To pass the palms of the hands over the face once
  4. To again strike lightly pure earth with the palms of both hands and rub alternately from the tips of the fingers to the elbows, the forearms and the hands.
The acts or circumstances which make the Wudu void are:
  1. Answering the call of nature; discharge of semen or issue of worm or sandy stone or any impure matter from the front or the hind private parts
  2. The passage of wind from the hind private part
  3. The act of vomiting a mouthful of matter
  4. Emission of blood, puss or yellow matter from a wound, boil, pimple, etc., to such an extent that is passes the limits of the mouth of the wound, etc.
  5. Loss of consciousness through sleep, drowsiness, etc.
  6. Temporary insanity, fainting fit, hysteria or intoxication.
  7. Audible laughter during prayer
Same occurrences nullify tayammum also?
Yes; the same occurrences nullify Tayammum also, but in addition Tayammum is nullified as soon as the cause for performing it is removed i.e., if the sick person removers, or, if recourse has been taken to it for lack of water, and access to water becomes possible.
The following three acts are forbidden without the performance of Wudu or Tayammum as the case may be:
  1. Prayer
  2. Walking round the Holy Ka'ba in Mecca
  3. Carrying or touching the Holy Quran
Note: Children who have not attained the age of discretion, i.e., about seven years, can carry the Holy Quran for the purpose of studying.
Does Wudu convey any inner meaning besides the cleanliness of the body?
Yes, the primary object is cleanliness or purity, but spiritual cleanliness and purity, i.e., freedom from sins which is the main object of religion. It is preferable, therefore, to recite the following after Wudu:
Allahummaj'alni minattawwabeena waj'alni minal mutatahahhireen.
'O Allah! make me from among those who repent for their sins and from among those who keep themselves pure.

Azan is the first call to PrayerWhen and why is the Azan uttered?
The Azan is uttered in a loud voice to announce to the faithful that it is time for the Obligatory Prayer and to invite them to offer the same.
How is Azan recited?
Azan is recited in a loud voice by the Muezzin (the crier) facing the direction of Ka'ba in the following words which are said in the order mentioned:
(1) Allahu Akbar
i.e. "Allah is Most Great" (four times).
(2) Ash-hadu an la ilaha ill-Allah
i.e., "I bear witness that there is none worthy of being worshipped except Allah" (twice)
(3) Ash-hadu anna Muhammad-ar-rasoolullah
i.e., "I bear witness that Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah" (twice)
(4) Hayya 'alas-Salah
i.e., "Come to Prayer" (turning the face alone to the right and saying it twice)
(5) Hayya 'alal-falah
i.e., "come to Success" (turning the face alone to the left and saying it twice)
(6) Allahu Akbar
i.e., " Allah is Most Great" (twice)
(7) La illaha ill-Allah,
i.e., "There is no deity but Allah (once)
Note:- The following phrase is added after item (5) in the Azan of the early morning prayer:
As-salatu khairum minannaum
i.e., "Prayer is better than sleep" (to be said twice)

Obligatory (Fard) Factors in Prayer
The Obligatory Factors in a Prayer are seven in number:
  1. To say takbir-i-tahrimah
  2. Qiyam, i.e., standing erect and placing the right hand upon left below the navel
  3. To recite some verses from the Holy Quran
  4. Ruku', i.e., bowing down in such a way as to grasp the knees with the hands keeping the back in a straight line so as to for a right angle with the legs
  5. Sajdah, i.e., prostrating in such a way that both the palms of the hands, the forehead, the nasal bone, the knees and the toes of both feet touch the ground; there must be sufficient space between the arms and the chest and the legs and the belly so that they do not touch each other but remain separate.
  6. Qa'dah i.e., sitting down in a reverential posture, keeping the right foot erect on the toes and the left one in a reclining position under the rumps
  7. To signify the completion of prayer by work or action.

Essentials (Wajib) of Prayer
The observance of the following eight points are very essential in any prayer
  1. To say takbir-i-tahrima, "Allahu-Akbar"
  2. To recite the opening chapter of the Holy Quran (the Fatihah)
  3. To recite any of the other chapters or at least three consecutive verses of the Holy Quran
  4. The recitation of the opening chapter must precede the recitation of any other chapter or three consecutive verses of the Holy Quran
  5. To avoid a pause between the recitation of the opening chapter and any other chapter or three consecutive verses of the Holy Quran
  6. To assume all the postures correctly, i.e., undignified haste must not be practiced in changing the postures and reasonable pauses must be observed at each stage.

Performance of Prayer
Performance of Prayer
A Prayer consists of either two, three or four Rak'ats, and a Rak'at is performed thus:-
  1. I stand erect, facing the direction of Ka'ba in Mecca, and after having the Niyyat, i.e., the intention in my mind of what prayer I am about to offer and preferably uttering it to myself;
  2. I raise both of my hands upto the ears and saying "Allahu Akbar", bring them down and place the right hand upon the left below the navel.
  3. I then recite:-

    prayer1.jpg (5495 bytes)
    Subhanak-Alla-humma wa bihamdika wa tabarakasmuka wa ta'ala jadduka wa la ilaha ghairuka
  1. i.e., 'All Glory be to Thee, O Allah! and Praise be to Thee; blessed is Thy Name and exalted Thy Majesty; and there is none worthy of worship besides Three.'


    prayer2.jpg (3097 bytes)
    A'oozu billahi minash-shaitanir-rajeem
    i.e., 'I betake myself to Allah for refuge from the accursed Satan.'


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    i.e., (I begin) in the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.'
d) I then recite the Opening Chapter of the Holy Quran (the Fatiha), 
Alhamdu lillahi Rabbil-'aalameen ar-Rahman-ir-Rahim, Maliki yaum-id-deen, iyyakt na'-budu wa iyyaka nasta'een; ihdinas-sirat-al-mustaqeema sirat-all-zeena an'amta 'alaihim ghairil maghdoobi 'alai-him wal-lad-dalleen. Ameen!

i.e., 'All Praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds, the Beneficent, the Merciful, Owner of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone we worship and Thee alone we ask for help. Show us the straight path, the path of those whom Thou hast favoured, not (the path of) those who earn Thine anger nor (of) those who go astray, Amen!'

(e) I immediately follow up this by reciting some passage from the Holy Quran, which should not consist of less than three consecutive verses. For this purpose any one of the small chapters may be selected, as for instance, the chapter termed " The Unity":-

Qul huw-allahu Ahad, Allahus-Samad, lam yalid wa lam yoolad, wa lam yakum lahoo kufuwan ahad.

i.e., 'Say: He is Allah, the One-Allah, the eternally besought of all! He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is none comparable unto Him.'
Note:- If a small chapter be recited, it is preferable to precede it by: " Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem,:

(f) Then saying "Allahu Akbar", I bow down in Ruku' and say thrice:-

Subhana Rabbiyal-Azeem
i.e., 'How glorious is my Lord, the Great!'

(g) I again assume the standing position, letting the hands remain on the sides and say:
Sami' Allahu liman hamidah.
Rabbana lakal-hamd.
i.e., 'Allah has listened to him who has praised him; Our Lord praise be to Thee.'

(h) Then saying "Allahu Akbar", I prostrate myself and perform the Sajdah, saying thrice:-
prayer8.jpg (3208 bytes)
Subhana Rabbiyal-a'la.
i.e., 'All glory be to my Lord, the Most High.'

(i) I then raise myself and, sitting for a while in a reverential posture, termed Jalsah, say once:-
prayer9.jpg (3719 bytes)
Allahummaghfirli war-hamni.
i.e., 'O Allah! forgive me and have mercy upon me.'

(j) I then perform the second Sajdah exactly in the same way as the first one.

This finishes one Rak'at. I then say "Allahu Akbar", and standing erect once again, repeat all that I had done in the performance of the first Rak'at with the exception of items (a) and (b), which are meant to be recited in the first Rak'at only.

(k) After the second Rak'at's second sajdah is over, I saying "Allahu Akbar, "sit down in the reverential posture called, Qa'da-tul-Oola (first sitting) or Qa'ada-tul-Akhira (last sitting) as the case may be, and recite Tashahhud alone in the former case :-
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At-tahiyyatu lillahi was-salwaytu wat-taiyyabatu assalamu 'alaika ayyu-hannabiyyu wa rahma-tullahi wa barrakatuhu assalamu 'alaina wa 'ala 'ibadillah-is-sali-heen, ash-hadu an la ilaha ill-Allahu wa ash-hadu anna Muhammad-dan 'abduhoo wa rasooluh.
i.e., 'All reverence, all worship, all sancity are due to Allah. Peace be on you O Prophet! and Mercy of Allah and His Blessings, Peace be on us and all the righteous servants of Allah. I bear witness to the fact that none is deserving of worship except Allah and I bear witness to the fact that Muhammad is His Servant and Apostle.

(l) If more than tow Rak'ats are to be performed, I, Saying Allahu Akbar", stand up again, and completing one or two Rak'ats, as the case may be, sit down in the reverential posture called "Qa'datul-Akhira, which is also obviously adopted if the prayer consists of two Rak'ats only. In the reverential posture, I recite in addition to tashahhud, the salawat,
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Allahumma salli 'ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'ala ali say-yidina Muhammadin kam sallaita 'ala say-yidina Ibrahima wa 'ala ali sayyidina Ibrahim innaka Ham-dun Majeed.
Allahumma barik 'ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'ala ali say-yidina Muhammadin kam barakta 'ala say-ydiina Ibrahim wa 'ala ali sayyidina Ibrahima innaka Hami-dun Majeed.
i.e., 'O Allah! Shower Thy blessings on our leader Muhammad and his descendants as Thous showeredest Thy blessings on our leader Abraham and his descendants; verily, Thou art the Praise-worthy, the Glorious.
'O Allah! bless our leader Muhammad and his descendents as Thou blessedest our leader Abraham and his descendants; verily, Thou are the Praise-worthy, the Glorious'.

(m) I then recite the following du'a:-
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Allahumma inni zalamtu nafsi zulman kaseeran wa la yagh-firuz-zunooba illa anta faghfirli maghfiratan min'indika war-hamni, innaka antal-Ghafoor-ur-Raheem.
i.e., 'O Allah! I have been extremely unjust to myself and none grants forgiveness against sins but Thou; therefore forgive me Thou with the forgiveness that comes from Thee and have mercy upon me. Verily, Thou art the Forgiver, the Merciful.'

(n) I then turn my face to the right and say the salam:-
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Assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullah
i.e., 'Peace be upon you and mercy of Allah'. Then I turn my face to the left and repeat the same.
Here the Prayer is completed.

Acts which nullify a prayer
The acts that nullify one's prayer are:
  1. Talking
  2. Doing any three acts in succession
  3. Emission of impure matter from the body or annulment of Wudu in any way.
  4. Drinking or eating during prayer
  5. Turning the chest away from the direction of Ka'ba.
  6. Committing breach of any of the obligatory factors of a prayer
  7. If the body between the navel and the knees becomes uncovered in the case of males, or any part of the body excepting the hands and the face in the case of females.

Qa'da-tul-Oala and Qa'datul-Akhira
What does the term Qa'da-tul-Oala mean?
The reverential sitting posture that one adopts after the completion of the two Rak'ats of a prayer, consisting of three or four, for reciting tashahhud is called Qa'datul-Oola
What is Qa'datul-Akhira?
The final reverential sitting posture which a worshipper assumes after the completion of the prescribed number of Rak'ats of any particular prayer, for the recitation of tashahhud, salawat and du'a is called Qa'datul Akhira.

Kinds of Prayers:
There are five kinds of Prayers:
  1. Fard al'-ain, i.e., the compulsory prayer that must not be missed on any account whatsoever. This obligatory prayer must be offered at any cost for if one fails to do so he or she will be liable to severe punishment. The nature of its importance is evident from the fact that if one denies its obligatory nature, he or she is classed as an unbeliever.
  2. Fard al-kifayah is the kind of prayer which should preferably be offered by all those present at the time, but one at least out of the group must offer it to free the others from responsibility; for example, if any one individual from amongst the inhabitants of a locality where Death of a Muslim has taken place or from those who join the funeral procession to the cemetery offer the 'Funeral Prayer', the obligation of all concerned is fulfilled.
  3. Wajib is a prayer which comes next in rank of Fard al'ain in accordance with the importance attached to if by the Holy Prophet.
  4. Sunnat-ul-mu'akkadah is the class of prayer which the Holy Prophet used to offer daily without fail and has ordered his followers to do so. One is liable to be questioned for neglecting to offer the same without some very cogent reasons.
  5. Sunnatu ghairil-mu'akkadah is the kind of prayer which the Prophet offered occasionally and desired his followers to do so.
  6. Nafl is a voluntary prayer and it is commended for the uplift of one's soul, and for the acquirement of spiritual benefits.
 Kinds of Fard prayers
  1. The daily obligatory Prayers.
  2. The special congregational Prayers on Fridays.